With the Taurus new moon reaching the zenith just yesterday evening, a wave of new energy is pushing us towards our taking responsibility for our financial management, goals, values, the self, how we manifest, boundaries and how we best utilise our time and energy.
Last blog post we spoke of relationships and the self, the great discomfort and healing through exploration of our selves within relationships and how we relate to others. With Taurus now in the Sun, Moon and 3 planets - Jupiter being the planet of luck, abundance and expansion and Venus as the ruling planet of Taurus - the lessons will shift to integrate the themes of Undependence, Boundaries, mutually beneficial win/win situations, proper financial management, healthy attitudes to money and prosperity consciousness.
So, what could this look or feel like for you? Situations arising that test your boundaries, make you re assess your values or even something more tangible such as bonus income out of seemingly nowhere right after you paid up some old debts, cleaned up the unnecessary subscriptions in your bank account or started pursuing what your actually passionate about.
Boundary tests may come in the form of a good friend asking for a favor exactly at the wrong time, partners leaning back more than usual letting you do more than your fair share or your children ignoring when you've asked for 15 minutes to read, meditate or relax.
It could be a coworker making you responsible for their work by simply not doing it. This is not the time to let those things slide as uncomfortable or difficult as it may feel. Every time you take care of your needs in this time period you will see an eventual acceptance from others, understanding, financial gains, a car space in exactly the right spot, a very nice staff member, synchronicity & important coincidences - more positivity and ease in your day.

Those that don't respond well have done you a favor, it's time to cut ties and surround yourself with the love, compassion, respect that you deserve. Healthy relationships challenge us in positive ways leading to our growth and expansion and it happens in a container of safety and equality. This time will involve change as you strengthen your identity and shed what no longer fits, those that love you will be encouraging and may even follow your lead.
Earlier I mentioned the word undependence. Undependence is a key concept to recovery from codependence. Codependence and the traits of codependence involve the Taurus/Scorpio lesson of too intensely merging with another and the loss of the self & identity.
Caretaking, control, rescuing, poor self-esteem and self-worth are signs of codependence, it is love, compassion and empathy taken to the extreme - it becomes a type of insanity. It invites and attracts abuse, but also ruins relationships with many healthy & emotionally regulated people.
Unfortunately, it arises from abuse, trauma and/or neglect from a parent (or both) in childhood. This means it is difficult to identify within yourself until you confront a rock bottom in the form of an abusive relationship or the development form low self-worth to unescapable depression, or possibly both. Some or all of the behaviours of abuse such as neglect, gaslighting, reality shifting, put downs, stone walling were a part of what a person with codependent tendencies considered to be normal family life.
An example would be - 'But my dad didn't abuse me, and he was lovely to my mum. He did get really angry sometimes though if he let me down or forgot something and I mentioned it, he would say that it never happened or that I am a terrible son/daughter and then not speak to me for days, sometimes weeks or months. So we all learned just to let it go and never mention anything. It was easier to let it slide.'
It is an invisible epidemic - you are among a great number if you were not allowed to have boundaries, if when one person in the family was upset everyone was upset or low or you experienced any kind of emotional, psychological, spiritual or physical violence in your home life as a child.
Signs of being out of alignment with the Taurus/Scorpio lessons include - Over spending, overindulgence, weak boundaries, saying yes when you mean no, codependency, unnecessary caretaking, over reactions, losing the self in another and even abuse of power.
The Key takeaways to focus on to make the most out of this recent Taurus New Moon (and the other planetary influences of Taurus currently) and to utilise the energy of transformation and spiritual evolution of Scorpio =
Plant the seeds of
Values & what is important to you
Set Boundaries
Use judgement of others to inform your boundaries only, catch yourself judging and transform the negative into a positive affirmation & commitment to your values
Understand and respect the distinct self and other
Taking care of your own needs
Respecting the expressed needs of others
See the spiritual value in everyone
What other people think of you is none of your business
Allow others to live their lives and consequences - you should never rescue an adult and you should never have to do for someone else what they can do for themselves. (unless it involves a fair shared responsibility). This frees and empowers both yourself and others.
Focus on being responsible for yourself, your own needs and your own life.
Focus on organising your finances, cleaning up debts and unnecessary expenses to manifest more money & opportunities
Do a self check on your relationship to money - Do you see money as simply energy and neutral? Do you love it or hate it? Do you live with the spirit of abundance, gratefulness and generosity so that money flows not only just from you but to you with ease? Do you hold on to money? Do you spend when your stressed on things you don't need?
The energy of abundance, true heartfelt generosity, feeling supported by the universe no matter what and counting your blessing turns you into a prosperity magnet. Take whatever steps you need to in order to feel into the flow of the energy of money.