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The Aries-Libra new moon, eclipses & more... April 2024

Recent and current Astrological Influences

8th of April New Moon in Aries

8th of April Solar eclipse Aries

24th of March Lunar eclipse Libra

North node Aries since July 18 2023

Sun, Mercury, Venus in Aries as at 12th of April 2024


Hello astrologically curious friends,

As you can see from the above list we are in a deep dive currently into the Aries-Libra axis of learning, teaching and experiencing, quite a strong influence when you consider just how many placements are in Aries.

Many of the astrological community will be discussing relationships (Libra and the 7th house) and the individual(Aries and the 1st house), they are absolutely the themes of influence in our lives currently, but I wanted to go a little deeper.

I will note to start that an excellent way to look at the exact areas in your life this influence will take place, will be by looking at the house/s Sun, Mercury, Venus & your north node lie in your chart as well as the sign Aries & Aries ruler Mars. You can do this by searching  ‘free birth chart’, the houses will either list what lies in them or you can read your chart by looking for the glyphs. See the Glyph list below to assist you.

Houses number 1-12 and always lie counter clockwise from below the thick line that splits your chart horizontally that marks your ascendant (more on this in another blog post).

This along with an 8 year that we are experiencing as a collective this year is a prickly energy, you will feel uncomfortable. It reminds me of sitting on the ant hill, we can’t just let the ants keep biting us, we need to get up, move away and take action. Not just for yourself but also for the ants who’s mound we’ve sat on and possibly damaged. But the entire experience is for your benefit, it provides an opportunity to grow, evolve and level up. There’s no ignoring the ant bites.

Individual and the other (Relationships)

In relationships we learn about ourselves, we learn how to balance give and take, push and pull, challenge and support, negotiate and mediate. As an individual we also simultaneously have to not forget who we are, our drives, ambitions and ability to lead when we are called to, to not get lost inside of another.

This Aries-Libra axis line-up represents two sides of the same coin, all the signs exist on an axis of polarity that allows us to learn the mid-point between two extremes. By experience either extreme we learn more about the whole, for example to be a great leader you need to deeply understand and experience what it is like to follow and support and vice versa. If you explore one side very deeply and not the other, you will always come up short in some way or another. Even though you may have preferences for leading or supporting, neither is better or worse unlike a society entrenched in the idea of competition will have you believe. They are equally important and one cannot exist without the other. There is no individual who achieved everything on their own and also no group that succeeded without great leadership.

Aries-Libra can be understood in our traditional sense of the roles of a husband and wife. We have come a long way from identifying these as gender specific, gender itself has been reexamined and explored to be deconstructed, changed, put back together. So remove the idea of male and female from the roles and think of a leader, provider and pursuer of outer world accomplishments and their counterpart of supporter, home/life and/or family organiser, advisor and nurturer. Both roles are equally important and indispensable to each other.

Behind every great individual is a great support person or team...

Take for example Einstein, who achieved incredible leaps in understanding with Physics and Mathematics. We see Einstein and glorify him as the person who achieved, but in reality, Einstein wonderful good friends that supported and housed and fed him during the nazi campaigns when he had to flee his home. He was married twice and his first wife was also a Physicist their conversations and the support of both his first and second wife allowed Einstein the freedom and container within relationship to achieve what he did. He appeared to be an incredibly humble man and would no doubt have expressed this. But many individuals can be lost to the “I’m doing everything on my own” mindset blind to all of their supporting people and factors in their lives, to either succumb to victimhood or ego depending on their success or failures.

Looking deeper at our interactions within relationships

In fact, another aspect of this Aries as the individual within relationships of Libra is the complexity of relationships. And how the Aries conscious trait of honesty, frankness combined with introspection of Libra can lead us through any difficulties we are experiencing with ourselves or in relationships right now. If you can step back a little from the situations in which you find yourself at the moment and take a deep look at yourself and others in a very honest and direct way, you will reach a deeper understanding of the situation as well as yourself and other people involved.

To use an example, you may have been experiencing a difficult relationship with a fair amount of conflict, unnecessary competitiveness and/or aggression (Aries unconscious), you may have played your part in that approach like meeting like, or you may be trying to steer clear of it and be peaceful. What you may find is that the situation, people or person will highlight a commonality that you have. This may be persistence, determination, the drive to achieve something or see something through to the end, or even a kindness you had missed or something else you may have in common.

Once you have recognised that commonality it may surprise you and leave you a little uncomfortable, for example if you tend to conduct your life with a high regard to your values and compassion for other people and you are experiencing this aggression or will to dominate and you find something in common with that person you judged as difficult, even immoral. It may just quench the fire of dislike even hatred you have for this person immediately. You may even be able to let go and not be baited and actually extract a mutually beneficial outcome, the person or people you are experiencing this difficulty with may see the practicality and become cooperative. Seeing the practical advantages to both sides circumventing the areas of disagreement, and pointing them out uses the dispassionate, high rationality of Libra and her incredible ability to use intellect to mediate in highly charged emotional or high-stakes situations.

From Self doubt to Self starter

Another theme currently more on the Aries side, as this is the side to which we are leaning is a self-enquiry and resultant facing of fears, doubts, self-doubt, self-worth to be conquered by determination and action. These two qualities are the only antidote.

‘I can’ is the mantra for the moment as we navigate these shake-ups. Allow yourself 15 minutes for a pity party, then dust yourself off and get back on that horse again! Make a to-do list to deescalate your overwhelm and start actioning items.

The beauty of this simple approach right now is that the support of an 8 year is behind you, within a very short time of planning and actioning step by step not only will you feel better but everything will become easier and you will have little wins, whether it is extra money or a perfect car space or the right conversation and the exact moment you need it to spur you on.

Also to note, with the high state of alertness and charge of Aries drive it is also a perfect time to clear out the home, the car, the office. Re-purpose what you can, gift or sell that which you don’t need, and clean up. The declutter will soothe any anxiety, decision paralysis (unconscious libra) or stalling.

Aries is the pioneer, and pioneering by nature is fraught with doubt and fear, but if there are areas in your life in which you want to do something different, be the first, to do something better and smarter, now is the time.

The current Aries-Libra axis provides many opportunities for learning about yourself and others through self-drive and radical self-honesty, and a deepening of the current close relationships, this is your opportunity to be a better friend, partner, parent to lead and teach by the values you embody and share with others. A perfect time to finally settle separation conflicts and strengthen family and/or friendship bonds by putting in the time, effort, thoughtfulness and leading by example (rather than relying on expectations of others, meeting them where they are and accepting who they are).

Wishing you Ease, Growth, Healing and Blessings,


If you would like some assistance with your journey of self-enquiry or to explore information to support your decision-making at this time, I am available in person and via Zoom for Astrology, Numerology, Mayan Sign charts and Tarot readings.

Please get in touch to make an appointment in person at

Dark Mother and The Wild Mystic

Shop 2 Cambell's Arcade Bairnsdale

By phone 0406 901 390 or simply email

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