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Available Online

Dark Mother Astrology Chart - Session

Prenatal Eclipse and Nodal Astrology Chart

1 h 30 min
123 Australian dollars
Dark Mother & The Wild Mystic

Service Description

I offer an in-depth look at your birth chart (both Astrology & Numerology) to look at the tendencies, gifts and challenges you experience based on the deeper spiritual lessons you came to teach and learn this lifetime. I have spent decades looking at birth charts to identify where to look for the most helpful and meaningful aspects that guide your choices in life can be found, I then delve into the spiritual and psychological barriers to overcome as well as potentially hidden gifts you possess that naturally enhance your success and spiritual growth. I can verify that following the guidance given for your specific nature and inclinations provides more ease, success, and a positive happy outlook on life. Nodal and Eclipse Astrology used in combination with numerology is the most potent way to overcome blocks, feeling stuck, or lost for purpose. For those interested these readings explore past lives and reincarnation, particularly useful for those either curious or struggling with issues related to a past life or lives. These charts are equally useful to those not spiritually inclined as they identify and support psychological states and traits that lead to failure or success. Additionally, my personal approach is informed by my history of study of all the major religions, philosophy, psychology in an undergraduate degree and many books and personal research driven by my insatiable curiosity and love of people, personality and health.

Contact Details

  • shop 2/182 Main Street, Bairnsdale VIC, Australia


Until Mid July Bookings can be made via Phone, Email or book here right now...

Image by Damien Schnorhk
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